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Instagram/Facebook Paid Promotion Reimbursement Program

Apr 24, 2024

Palmstreet Official

The Palmstreet Paid Promotion Program aims to collaborate with sellers to attract more viewers to participate in their Palmstreet live sessions through social media promotion. By leveraging the sellers' existing social media influence, we aim to increase audience engagement, attract potential buyers, and improve conversion rates.

Collaboration Objectives:

Sellers will promote their upcoming live sessions through various forms on Instagram or Facebook, such as IG posts, Stories, Reels, etc. Palmstreet will reimburse the advertising expenses incurred by sellers for promoting their live sessions on Instagram.

Collaboration Process:

  1. Sellers will promote their upcoming live sessions on IG or FB, and Palmstreet will reimburse the advertising expenses for the promoted posts/Stories.

Posting Requirements:

How to Post:

  1. Content Format: Sellers can use official Palmstreet posters provided or create their own graphics, images, or videos.
  2. Include Details: Posts must include the live session time and mention that the live session will be hosted on Palmstreet.
  3. For Posts and Reels, sellers must tag the account @thepalmstreetapp.
  4. For Stories, sellers must add the link to the live session.

Time requirements

  1. Posting must be sent at least 48 hours before the live session.

How to promote on IG/FB

How to promote an Instagram post or Reel?

To promote or boost an Instagram post, you’ll need to have an active Instagram Professional account.

1. Go to your Instagram Feed and click the post you want to boost.

2. Next, fill in details about your ad like the Goal, Audience, Budget, and Duration. The recommended audience is Location = United States, Interests = Houseplant, Age & Gender = Female | 24 - 50 years.

3. Once you finish these steps, click Next. Complete your boosted post by clicking Boost post under Review. Please note that Palmstreet offers up to $20 reimbursement to each Post/Reel/Story

Paid promotion and reimbursement

Frequency and Amount of Paid Promotion:

  1. Promotion Frequency: Sellers are allowed to conduct two paid promotions per week.
  2. Advertising Budget: The maximum reimbursement amount for each promotion is $20.

Reimbursement process guide:

Send a screenshot of the payment amount to @PalmstreetSupport, and the amount will be reimbursed to the your Palmstreet Balance.

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