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Your Guide to Checking and Leaving Reviews

Apr 18, 2024

Palmstreet Official

How to Rate and Review?

Once you've received your item, head over to the order details page to rate stars and generate reviews. Feel free to add photos to showcase details, if you would like. When you're ready, post your review to guide and inspire other potential buyers with your insights.

How to Filter Reviews for Your Reference?

Efficiently access pertinent reviews by employing filters to evaluate ratings based on the star ratings, presence of images, and reply status.

Just hit the filter Icon on the top right to check reviews based on your preference while browsing the rating and reviews of a seller from their profile page.


How many photos can be added to the review?

Buyers can add up to 9 photos for each review.

Is there a time limit that the buyer can rate the order?

We do not have a specific time limitation for now.

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