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Recent Seller Issue (06.26.2024)

Jul 02, 2024

Palmstreet Official

It was brought to our attention today that a seller on our platform wore attire that many viewers found offensive and racist. Screenshots of this seller were posted on several social media platforms and via text messaging.

At Palmstreet, we take allegations of this nature extremely seriously. We are committed to fostering a positive and inclusive community where everyone feels safe and respected. We have suspended the seller's account from selling, while running investigations.

Palmstreet does not support racist acts or any form of negative behavior, and we take such matters very seriously. Our community guidelines are clear: we will not tolerate any actions or behaviors that go against our core values of respect, inclusivity, and kindness.

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we conduct a thorough investigation. Our priority is to maintain a welcoming and supportive environment for all members of our community.

Thank you for your continued support.


The Palmstreet Team

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